Gathering statistics
Anemoi will collect statistics about each variables in the dataset as it is created. These statistics are intended to be used to normalise the data during training.
The statistics are stored in the statistics attribute of the dataset. The computed statistics include minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation.
Statistics dates range
By defaults, the statistics are not computed on the whole dataset, but on a subset of dates. This usually is done to avoid any data leakage from the validation and test sets to the training set.
The dates subset used to compute the statistics is defined using the following algorithm:
If the dataset covers 20 years or more, the last 3 years are excluded.
If the dataset covers 10 years or more, the last year is excluded.
Otherwise, 80% of the dataset is used.
You can override this behaviour by setting either the start parameter or the end parameters in the statistics config.
Example configuration gathering statistics from 2000 to 2020 :
start: 2000
end: 2020
Example configuration gathering statistics from the beginning of the dataset period to 2020 :
end: 2020
Example configuration gathering statistics using only 2020 data :
start: 2020
end: 2020
Data with missing values
If the dataset contains missing values (known as NaNs), an error will be raised when trying to compute the statistics. To allow NaNs in the dataset, you can set the allow_nans as described here.