Creating a dataset incrementally

This guide shows how to create a dataset incrementally. This is useful when you have a large dataset that you want to load in parts, to avoid running out of memory. Because parts can be loaded in parallel, this can also speed up the process.

Building the dataset

You first need to create an empty dataset with the init command, which is similar to the create command. If there is already a dataset with the same name, you can use the –overwrite flag to replace it. The init command requires a YAML file with the dataset configuration and a name for the dataset. The content of the YAML file will be copied into the dataset, so it will not be needed by following commands.

anemoi-datasets init dataset.yaml dataset.zarr --overwrite

You can then load the dataset in parts with the load command. You just pass which part you want to load with the –part flag.


Parts are numbered from 1 to N, where N is the total number of parts (unlike Python, where they would start at zero). This is to make it easier to use the seq(1) command in bash.

You can load multiple parts in any order and in parallel by running the load command in different terminals, slurm jobs or any other parallelisation tool. The library relies on the zarr library to handle concurrent writes.

anemoi-datasets load dataset.zarr --part 1/20
anemoi-datasets load dataset.zarr --part 2/20

… and so on … until:

anemoi-datasets load dataset.zarr --part 20/20

Once you have loaded all the parts, you can finalise the dataset with the finalise command. This will write the metadata and the attributes to the dataset, and consolidate the statistics and cleanup some temporary files.

anemoi-datasets finalise dataset.zarr

You can follow the progress of the dataset creation with the inspect command. This will show you the percentage of parts loaded.

anemoi-datasets inspect dataset.zarr

It is possible that some temporary files are left behind at the end of the process. You can clean them up with the cleanup command.

anemoi-datasets cleanup dataset.zarr

Additional statistics

anemoi-datasets can compute additional statistics for the dataset, mostly statistics of the increments between two dates (e.g. 6h or 12h).

To add statistics for 6h increments:

anemoi-datasets init-additions dataset.zarr --delta 6h
anemoi-datasets load-additions dataset.zarr --part 1/2 --delta 6h
anemoi-datasets load-additions dataset.zarr --part 2/2 --delta 6h
anemoi-datasets finalise-additions dataset.zarr --delta 6h

To add statistics for 12h increments:

anemoi-datasets init-additions dataset.zarr --delta 12h
anemoi-datasets load-additions dataset.zarr --part 1/2 --delta 12h
anemoi-datasets load-additions dataset.zarr --part 2/2 --delta 12h
anemoi-datasets finalise-additions dataset.zarr --delta 12h

If this process leaves temporary files behind, you can clean them up with the cleanup command.

anemoi-datasets cleanup dataset.zarr

Patching the dataset metadata:

The following command will patch the dataset metadata. In particular, it will remove any references to the YAML file used to initialise the dataset.

anemoi-datasets patch dataset.zarr