
Edit, remove, dump or load metadata from a checkpoint file.

usage: anemoi-inference metadata [-h]
                                 (--dump | --load | --edit | --view | --remove | --supporting-arrays)
                                 [--name NAME] [--input INPUT]
                                 [--output OUTPUT] [--editor EDITOR]
                                 [--pager PAGER] [--json] [--yaml]

Positional Arguments


Path to the checkpoint.

Named Arguments


Extract the metadata from the checkpoint and print it to the standard output or the file specified by --output, in JSON or YAML format.

Default: False


Set the metadata in the checkpoint from the content of a file specified by the --input argument.

Default: False


Edit the metadata in place, using the specified editor. See the --editor argument for more information.

Default: False


View the metadata in place, using the specified pager. See the --pager argument for more information.

Default: False


Remove the metadata from the checkpoint.

Default: False


Print the supporting arrays.

Default: False


Name of metadata record to be used with the actions above.

Default: “ai-models.json”


The output file name to be used by the --load option.


The output file name to be used by the --dump option.


Editor to use for the --edit option. Default to $EDITOR if defined, else vi.

Default: “vi”


Editor to use for the --view option. Default to $PAGER if defined, else less.

Default: “less”


Use the JSON format with --dump, --view and --edit.

Default: False


Use the YAML format with --dump, --view and --edit.

Default: False