Combining datasets

You can create “virtual” datasets by combining two or more datasets. The combination will behave exactly as if you had a single dataset with all the methods behaving as expected. The package will make sure that the data is loaded lazily from the original datasets.


When combining datasets, the statistics of the first dataset are used by default. You can change this by setting the Statistics option to a different dataset, even if it is not part of the combination.

When combining datasets, the package will check that the datasets are compatible, i.e. that they have the same resolution, the same variables, etc. The compatibility checks depend on the type of combination. You can adjust some of the attributes of the datasets to make them compatible, e.g. by changing their date range or frequency using start, end, frequency, etc. You can also ask the package to automatically adjust these attributes.


If you just provide a list of datasets, the package will automatically attempt to combine them:

  • If the datasets have the same variables and the same ensemble dimension and the same grids, and if the dates once concatenated, create a continuous range of dates with a constant frequency, the package will combine using concat.

  • If the datasets have the same dates, ensemble dimension and grids, the package will combine using join.


You can concatenate two or more datasets along the dates dimension. The package will check that all datasets are compatible (same resolution, same variables, etc.). Currently, the datasets must be given in chronological order with no gaps between them. If you want to concatenate datasets that have gaps between them, check the fill_missing_gaps option.

from anemoi.datasets import open_dataset

ds = open_dataset("dataset-1979-2000", "dataset-2001-2022")

# or

ds = open_dataset(["dataset-1979-2000", "dataset-2001-2022"])

# or

ds = open_dataset(concat=["dataset-1979-2000", "dataset-2001-2022"])

Please note that you can pass more than two datasets to the function.

NOTE: When concatenating datasets, the statistics are not recomputed; it is the statistics of first dataset that are returned to the user. You can change this using the Statistics option.


You can join two datasets that have the same dates, combining their variables.

from anemoi.datasets import open_dataset

ds = open_dataset("dataset1-1979-2022", "dataset2-1979-2022")

# or

ds = open_dataset(["dataset1-1979-2022", "dataset2-1979-2022"])

# or

ds = open_dataset(join=["dataset1-1979-2022", "dataset2-1979-2022"])

If a variable is present in more than one file, the last occurrence of that variable will be used, and will be at the position of the first occurrence of that name.


Please note that you can join more than two datasets.


You can combine two or more datasets that have the same dates, variables, grids, etc. along the ensemble dimension. The package will check that all datasets are compatible.

from anemoi.datasets import open_dataset

ds = open_dataset(ensembles=[dataset1, dataset2, ...])


from anemoi.datasets import open_dataset

ds = open_dataset(grids=[dataset1, dataset2, ...])

All the grid points are concatenated, in the order they are given. The latitudes and longitudes are also concatenated.


from anemoi.datasets import open_dataset

ds = open_dataset(cutout=[lam_dataset, global_dataset])

The cutout combination only supports two datasets. The first dataset is considered to be a limited area model (LAM), while the second one is considered to be a global model or boundary conditions. It is therefore expected that the bounding box of the first dataset is contained within the bounding box of the second dataset.

The image below shows the global dataset:


The image below shows the LAM dataset:


A ‘cutout’ is performed by removing the grid points from the global dataset that are contained in the LAM dataset. The result is shown below:


The final dataset is the concatenation of the LAM dataset and the cutout:


You can also pass a min_distance_km parameter to the cutout function. Any grid points in the global dataset that are closer than this distance to a grid point in the LAM dataset will be removed. This can be useful to control the behaviour of the algorithm at the edge of the cutout area. If no value is provided, the algorithm will compute its value as the smallest distance between two grid points in the global dataset over the cutout area. If you do not want to use this feature, you can set min_distance_km=0, or provide your own value.

The plots below illustrate how the cutout differs if min_distance_km is not given (top) or if min_distance_km is is set to 0 (bottom). The difference can be seen at the boundary between the two grids:

Cutout Cutout

To debug the combination, you can pass plot=True to the cutout function (when running from a Notebook), of use plot=”prefix” to save the plots to series of PNG files in the current directory.


That feature will interpolate the variables of dataset2 that are not in dataset1 to the grid of dataset1 , add them to the list of variable of dataset1 and return the result.


Currently what can only be variables and can be omitted.

The value for interpolate can be one of none (default) or nearest. In the case of none, the grids of the two datasets must match.

This feature was originally designed to be used in conjunction with cutout, where dataset1 is the lam, and dataset2 is the global dataset.

            "complement": lam_dataset,
            "source": global_dataset,
            "interpolate": "nearest",
            "dataset": global_dataset,

Another use case is to simply bring all non-overlapping variables of a dataset into an other:
