
Anemoi datasets are stored in a zarr format and can be located on a local file system or on a remote server. The inspect command is used to inspect the contents of a dataset. This command will output the metadata of the dataset, including the variables, dimensions, and attributes.

$ anemoi-datasets inspect dataset.zarr

which will output something like the following. The output should be self-explanatory.

📦 Path          : dataset.zarr
🔢 Format version: 0.20.0

📅 Start      : 2024-01-01 00:00
📅 End        : 2024-01-01 18:00
⏰ Frequency  : 6h
🚫 Missing    : 0
🌎 Resolution : 1.0
🌎 Field shape: [181, 360]

📐 Shape      : 4 × 5 × 1 × 65,160 (5 MiB)
💽 Size       : 2.7 MiB (2,858,121)
📁 Files      : 34

   Index │ Variable │      Min │     Max │      Mean │    Stdev
       0 │ 10u      │ -24.3116 │   25.79 │ 0.0595319 │   5.5856
       1 │ 10v      │ -21.2397 │  21.851 │ -0.270924 │  4.23947
       2 │ 2t       │  214.979 │ 319.111 │   277.775 │  19.9318
       3 │ lsm      │        0 │       1 │  0.335152 │ 0.464236
       4 │ msl      │  95708.5 │  104284 │    100867 │  1452.67
🔋 Dataset ready, last update 2 hours ago.
📊 Statistics ready.

Command line usage

Inspect a zarr dataset.

usage: anemoi-datasets inspect [-h] [--detailed] [--progress] [--statistics]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments


Default: False


Default: False


Default: False


Print size

Default: False